It requires a minimum 140cc gasoline engine and delivers up to 2600 PSI & 2.2 gallons per minute of water flow. Please review all product information to ensure that this product is compatible with your unit.
A message to the customer: Our online retailers constantly strive to provide clear and concise product information. We understand that sometimes it can be difficult to confirm product compatibility. It is your responsibility to confirm that this is the correct product you need.
Nothing is worse than having to return a product, trust us.... If you are unsure as to whether or not this is the correct product for your unit, please ask.
If you seek assistance we will need as much of the following information as possible, if applicable, to help you find the product you are looking for: Model spec and engine shaft size. Our knowledgeable product specialist are always willing to help you verify product fitment. - The Armor Pressure Washer Pump Company.